© 2011 carrier cycle with drawers and cabinets 300 x 150 x 170 cm Amsterdam southeast (NL)
We (i.c.w. Caroline de Roy) we moved around South-East Amsterdam for half a year with a special carrier cycle: the Rituals Cart.
We consider the amount of different cultures, which live together in South-East Amsterdam on such a small piece of land, as an enrichment. In the drawers and cabinets of the Cart you could see, hear and smell fragments and interpretations of the differtent rituals. On a blog you can read the encounters. The cart has been exhibited on different places: CBK Amsterdam southeast, CEC Amsterdam southeast and museum Twentse Welle Enschede.
thanks to Council south east Foundation Doen Foundation VSB Rochdale Prins Bernhard Cultuurfund
registration of the Ritual Cart on the move