
Female Hands in Museum Martena

November 30 2024 to January 5 2025
Museum Martena is exhibiting the Female Hands project. Female Hands is about the position of female artists an enters into a dialogue with the collection of Museum Martena.

granted the voucher development

The Mondrian Fund has granted my application: Voucher Development. Superthnx Mondrian Fund!

a lot of publicity for GAZE and Female Hands

My book GAZE is the reflection of the project Female Hands. The Leeuwarder Courant wrote a nice review about GAZE. Het Haarlems Dagblad, reviewed the exhibition Sensitive Values in de Vishal where I exhibited my project Female Hands. Sandra Mackus wrote about Female Hands abd Alex de Vries wrote about Sensitive Values in Trendbeheer.

GAZE is af!

My book GAZE is the reflection of the project Female Hands. The publication GAZE has 48 pages, printed in full color on A4 format, special soft cover and is signed in an edition of 100. It also includes a set of postcards of a number of works. It is beautifully designed by graphic designer Michiel Uilen and with beautiful photos by photgrapher Jonathan Andrew. The book GAZE costs € 35,- If you are interested, email me: [email protected]

Nynke Deinema Female Hands

Female Hands in the Vishal

june 15 to july 21 2024
The group exhition ‘Sensitive Values’ can be seen in de Vishal in Haarlem. There I will show part of my project Female Hands and present my book GAZE. The title of this book is GAZE: de the view of the world that everone in principle has. A title that indirectly refers to my project Female Hands (graphic designer Michiel Uilen, text Joyce Roodnat). Participating artists: Chant van Lieshout, Esther Hoogendijk, Nynke Deinema, Susana Mulas Lastra, Charlotte Schrameijer, Sylvia Hubers en Esther Koeman (curator). Opening june 14 at 5:00 pm, openingsword by Alex de Vries.

presentatie Female Hands in LOSDOK

may 10/11/12 2024
presentation of the project Female Hands. With pre-registration of  GAZE publication. Send me an email if you are interested in the publication (edition of 100 signed and numbered.). Opening  may 10 from 3:00 pm – 6:00 pm, may 11 en 12 mei van 12:00 pm – 18:00 m Welcome in

received a grant for the project Female Hands

Very happy: CultuurfondsAmartefonds and Jaap Harten Fonds has granted my application for the Female Hands project. In June 2024 it will be exhibited in the Vishal in Haarlem.

#Siloewok Sawangan in Loods 6

october 5 to 15
On behalf of Arti et Amicitae, I have been invited to participate in LINK, the satellite exhibition of SBK Sprouts Young Talents 2023. The LINK exhibition makes a connection between the work of artists who have already determined their own course and with work by the best graduates of the Dutch art academies. A collaboration has been entered into with three Arti artists: Chantal van Lieshout, Harry van der Woud and me. Part of the #Siloewok Sawangan project can be seen in Loods 6.

nieuwe ledententoonstelling in Arti et Amicitiae

may 27 to june 25 2023
New Members of association Arti et Amicitiae, a presentation of works by 17 artists who have become Arti members in the year 2022. I am one of them! Welcome:

4 stars in newspaper NRC handelsblad

april 24 2023
Review about the exhibition ‘TOTOK Indisch besef’. read here in NRC handelsblad.

Totok Indisch Besef, duo exhibition

april 7 t0 april 29 2023
#Siloewok Sawangan‘ can be seen at gallery WhatArtCanDo . The project in which I took photos from my family album from the former Dutch East Indies as a starting point. This is a duo exhibiton with  Clementine Oomes, who also has a past in the Dutch East Indies.

my mothers dress at Tekenkabinet XI

march 12 to april 30 2023
‘my mothers dress’ (no 1, 3 and 4) have been selected for the  Tekenkabinet XI, two are exhibited at Projectruimte BMB Kerkstraat 129 A 1017 GE Amsterdam,
opening march 18 from  3 – 5  pm

Sensory Landscape in gallery de Meerse

march 12 to april 9 2023
the video Sensory Landscape (2007) will be shown in Hoofddorp at the gallery de Meerse. ‘The body also wants something sometimes’ curators Judith Vossen and Jurgen Winkler. Participating artists: Anika Hochstenbach, Eleye Boerenkamps, Jans Musekee, Judith Vossen, Jurgen Winkler, Su Melo, Ton Zwerver.

#Siloewok Sawangan at on line exhibition Exodus

december 2022
#Siloewok Sawangan has been selected selected by curator Yuki Kho for the online exhibition Exodus organised by Bijbels Museum, Amsterdam and Buitenplaats Doornburgh, Maarssen.

#Siloewok Sawangan at the Salon of Arti

december 16 until January 8 2023
I have been admitted to Arti et Amicitiae (Arti is the oldest visual artist society in the Netherlands)  and participate in their Salon for the first time. Welcom te this special place.

a Sworn Virgin and a Pink Sister in puntWG

november 26 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. and november 27 4:00 – 7:00 p.m
In puntWG in Amsterdam the video ‘a Sworn Virgin and a Pink Sister’ will be screenden during the exhibition Hybrid Dialogues from the Miami New Media Festival.

booklet #Siloewok Sawangan for sale at the Stedelijk Museumshop and CBK southeast

I made a booklet (signed and numbered in an edition of 50) of the #Siloewok Sawangan project: now available in the Stedelijk Museumshop and in the shop of CBK South east in Amsterdam. The booklet is now sold out.

Pakhuis Wilhelmina’s 1e Biënnale

september 17 and 18
Our beautiful Pakhuis Wilhelmina is open on these 2 days, all studios are open. I hope to see you there. I will show work from the past 2 years.  from 12:00 untill 18:00


august 27,28, 3,4 and 10, 11 september
For the 8th edition of Kunst van Geloven with the theme TRANSFORMATION, the curators Marijke Cieraad and Gonda van der Zwaag invited me to show the video ‘Lali/Diana’ and the edited photo works ‘Stone Faces of Naples’ in the side chapel of the monastery house in Sambeek.
from 11:00 – 17:00 Monastery house Sambeek Big house 71 5836 AC Sambeek

‘Siloewok Sawangan’ at This Art Fair

july 7, 8, 9, 10  2022
At This Art Fair in the Kromhouthal in Amsterdam North I will show my project ‘Siloewok Sawangan’, based on photos from my family album from the former Dutch East Indies. With this project I want to make visible a period that is still present in many families.

TEKENKABINET X (drawingcabinet), ‘OMG it’s me’, Amsterdam

1 june until 31 juli
‘OMG it’s me’ number 1, 2 and 3 are selected for TEKENKABINET: exhibition in galerie Jan van Eden, in Amsterdam a great collaboration with photographer/artist Claudette van de Rakt where I responded to 3 photos from her beautiful book: “OMG it’s me”.

‘Siloewok Sawangan’ in LOSDOK

february 25, 26, 27 2022
In LOSDOK I will show my project ‘Siloewok Sawangan’, based on photos from my family album from the former Dutch East Indies. With this project I want to make visible a period that is still present in many families.

‘the new potato eaters’ in Stedelijk Museum Breda

december 18 2021 untill july 3 2022
‘The new potato eaters’ is a project I carried out during my artist-in-residence in Zundert. The video projection has been selected and can be seen during the exhibition: ‘Because of Vincent’ in the Stedelijk Museum Breda. The exhibition shows highlights from the collection and the artist-in-residence program of the Van GoghHuis in Zundert.

TEKENKABINET IX (drawingcabinet), ‘Hands of Old Masters’, Amsterdam

august 1 2021 online and live from september
‘Hands of Old Masters’ nr 2 to 3 are selected for TEKENKABINET IX august 1 online and the exhibition will be open from september in the Tekenkabinet Amstelpark 13 Amsterdam. But for now welcome on line


july 4 untill august 14 2021
solo exhibition in gallery Westerstorm in Westhoek (Friesland), where I present my new project Bildt-Gebaren. In Bildt-Gebaren my hands explore Het Bildt and act as a mediator between the landscape and the human body. By editing photograhs, creating photo mobiles and compressing Bildt clay with clay from the Wadden, I search for the beauty of imperfections.

Stone Faces of Naples in Zomersalon royaal in CBK southeast

July 1 untill august 21 2021
Especially for the ZomerSalon Royaal in the CBK South-East in Amsterdam, I have an enlarged and edited work from the series ‘Stone Faces of Naples’.

a reaction to OMG it’s me

a great collaboration with photographer/artist Claudette van de Rakt where I responded to 3 photos from her beautiful book: “OMG it’s me”.

video ‘Honey’ is now part of the collection of the British Film Institute 

January 2021
Great news: the video ‘Honey’ has been shown around the world as part of Kerry Baldry’s One Minutes volumes and is now included in the collection of the Britsh Film Institute!

‘Hands of Old Masters’ in galerie Roy in Zülpich (D)

december 13 2020 until January 31 2021
‘Hands of Old Masters’ nr 2 is shown in gallery Roy in Zülpich (D) tijdens de tentoonstelling Stubenhocker: Post! curatoren: Heike Kati Barath and Ineke

‘Stone Faces of Naples’ in Nieuw Dakota bij Corana Archives

July 12 until august 31 2020
‘Stone Faces of Naples’ nr 1 to 3 in large format (A3) for the summer exhibition in New Dakota in Amsterdam: a Passage that the public can walk through. The Passage is a first physical introduction to the public with de Corona-archives.  The Passage will remain open until august 30.

TEKENKABINET XS (drawingcabinet),  ‘Stone Faces of Naples’, Amsterdam

june 5 until june 30 2020 prolonged from september 5 until september 27
‘Stone Faces of Naples’ nr 1 to 5 are selected for  TEKENKABINET XS (DRAWINGCABINET XS)May 1 online and the exhibition will be open from Friday June 5  2020 the Tekenkabinet Amstelpark 13 Amsterdam. you can buy on line

Stubenhocker: eigentlich bin ich ganz anders, Lali/Diana in Zülpich (D)

december 7 2019 untill january 19 2020
At the invitation of C.A. Wertheim I will be showing the videoinstallatie Lali/Diana and a serie of collages during the exhibition: ‘eigenlicht bin ich ganz anders’. Also I contributed to the Stubenhocker Magazin nr. 8. The work will be shown at gallery Roy in Zülpich (D) together with Sonja Alhäuser, William Austin, Heike Kati Barath, Fons van Laar, Luan Lamberty, Daniel Levi, Pieter Kusters, Saskia Niehaus, Katrin Plavčak, Oliver Scheibler, Kaat Schulte, Monica Tap, C.A. Wertheim

Nasty Women/ #teamFemke

december 8 untill december 15 2019
This collage is selected  for the Benefit exhibition Nasty Women Amsterdam . The sales will go to: -Elance Academy: Girls inspire Women, Women inspire Girls, -Doctors of the World: Birth control consultation for undocumented women

Jubilee Reunion Manifestation sundaymorning@ekwc in Heusden

september 14 and 15 2019
I’m happy to announce that I’ll take part in the jubilee reunion manifestation sundaymorning@ekwc in the gallery Priveekollektie in Heusden

Moving Language in Summersalon royaal in CBK southeast

july 4 untill august 17 2019
During the SummerSalon Royaal in CBK southeast in Amsterdam a part of my my project ‘Moving Language’, made during my residency in the Bijlmer. I researched the beauty of body-language.

staying in the Tower of Monnickendam

8 untill july 14 2019
From july 8 untill july 14 I will be working for one week in the Tower of Monnickendam. There I will do a research for my new installation ‘a Clotted Moment’, where I will invite female asylumseekers and interview them about their flight to here and the meaning of clothes during their journey. This is a preparation for a workperiod at the EKWC in 2020 in Oisterwijk.

Collages in the Wasserette during Open studio 2019

june 8,9,10 2019
The series collages ‘Hungarian Human Conditions’ will be exhibited in the Wasserette in Amsterdam. The collages were made during my stay as Artist in Residence in Kormola Puszta, Hungary. Together with work of Marjo Postma

a Sworn Virgin and a Pink Sister in missionmuseum, Steyl

may 27 untill october 28 2018
The video-installation “A Sworn Virgin and a Pink Sister” is about sacrifice and pride and covering the body. It shows the silent portraits of two women who both took an important decision in their younger years which was formative for the rest of their lives. At the time, a well-considered and voluntary decision for both, but nowadays one that hardly ever occurs anymore. A way of life which not too long from now will disappear. The work is shown in the butterfly room of the MissionMuseum in Steyl (the Netherlands). A symbolic place that refers to the women’s metamorphoses in a museum filled with heritage.

Open Studio in Pakhuis Wilhelmina, Amsterdam

june 23 and june 24 2018
I have a new studio in Pakhuis Wilhelmina. We open doors due to the  30 years of existence. You are very welcome in my new studio.

Josilda da Conceição Galerie
, Amsterdam

march 24 untill april 14 2018
The series collages ‘Hungarian Human Conditions’ will be exhibited in Josilda da Conceição Gallery in Amsterdam. The collages were made during my stay as Artist in Residence in Kormola Puszta, Hungary. Together with work of Thijs van Geloven, Eva van Ooijen and Emilio Veendorp. Josilda da Conceição Gallery

with all my heart, CODA museum, Apeldoorn

november12  2017 untill february 25 2018
CRIMP an exhibition of 14x14x14 cm from MIKC in CODA museum in Apeldoorn, a total of 84 sculptures. The underlying thought of the exhibition to reduce personal space in favour of common, public space.

CBK zuidoost exists 30 years, Amsterdam

september 7 t/m october 21 2017
Jubilee exhibition in which the invited artists exhibiting and selling a work 30 x 30 cm. I will show the photowork ‘strange hands ‘

Collages in AIR in Koromla Puszta, Hungary

1 may 1 untill  june 6 2017
In may I will continue working on more collages as Artist in Residence in Koromla Puszta, Hungary.

Collages in the Wasserette during Open studio 2017

june 3, 4, 5  2017
The past few months I am busy with a new technic: collages. This serie collages ‘human conditions’ will be exhibited and are for sale during Open Studio: Westelijke Eilanden, Amsterdam in ‘de Wasserette’ Barentsstraat 160, together with grafic by Marjo Postma.

groen klein Nynke Deinema
strange hands is part of the big Brabant Artcalendar

january 1 2017 untill december 31 2017
The photowork ‘strange hands’ will be published in the Big Brabant Artcalender.

Nauw Verweven, sculptural moods and the mummer in Kranenburgh

november 6 2016 untill january 7 2017
In the exhibition ‘Nauw Verweven’ (closely intertwined) seven contemporary artist were inspired by non-western cultures. The result will be exhibited at the Artist Center in Bergen (KCB).
I will show the photoworks ‘sculptural moods’ and the video ‘the mummer’ inspired by the Bulgarian Kukeri festival, which I attended in 2004.
With Regula Maria Müller, Femmie Duiven, Gerda Schimmel, Barbera Broekman, Célio Braga, Nynke Deinema, Itie Langeland .

Moved Language during AIR in CBK Southeast

november 3 2016 untill 10 december 2016
The exhibition AIR in Amsterdam Southeast shows work by (inter)national artis whom participated this year at artist-in-residence AIR program. During my stay I researched the beauty of body-language in the Bijlmer and show my project ‘Bewogen Taal’ (Moved Language)  Also visit my blog. (sorry only in Dutch)
With Randa Maroufi , Kyoco Taniyama , Jan Hoek i.s.m. Abdul Aziz & Mohammed Hamzo , Baukje Spaltro, Lard Buurman , Nynke Deinema, Isaura Sanwirjatmo .
kindly supported by Tijl Fonds (Prins Bernard Cultuurfonds)

staying at H-LAB; artist in residence in the Bijlmer

augustus 1  2016 untill september 3 2016
At the invitation of CBK southeast I will be staying for one month in H-LAB, the artist in residence, in Heesterveld. During my residency in the Bijlmer I am searching for non-verbal communication in public space; looking for the beauty of body language. In this blog (sorry only in Dutch) I report the search during my stay. The results, in photo and video will be exhibited from november untill december 2016 during the groupexhibition ‘AIR 2016’ in CBK south-east.

(S)HE: searching for the other, in CBK southeast

may 26 untill july 9 2016
The installation Lali/Diana (a sworn virgin from Albania) will be shown at het exhibition, (S)He: searching for the other, in CBK southeast. In this group exhibition a research will take place of the concept ‘gender’, it’s borders and especially all what’s in between. With work from Diana Blok, Nynke Deinema, Risk Hazekamp, Jan Hoek&Duran Lantink, Judith Leysner and Eva Spierenburg.

condition humaine klein
TETEM exhibits condition humaine nr 1,2,3 en 4

december 3 2015 untill february 7 2016
‘Condition Humaine nr. 1,2,3,4’: four of my photoworks printed on hahnemühle paper will be exhibited in TETEM kunstruimte in Enschede. We Like Art presents an exhibition with hundreds of unique artworks.

honey-RECENT klein

honey behind glass in Amsterdam

december 18 2015 t/m 18 februari 2016
The video ‘Honey’ will be exhibited by Window Narratives behind glass. Discover it in the 12 window displays at het van der Helstplein 3 in Amsterdam. The themes are vulnerability, fragility and poetry.

milky thoughts Nynke Deinema

honey en milky thoughts during SAIL

augustus 19 untill augustus 23 2015 from 11:00 untill 17:00
The video  ‘Honey’ and ‘Milky Thoughts’ are exhibited together with a number of videostills on dibond during SAIL in the studio of Sarai van de Boel (Surinamekade 11 Amsterdam) with work by Sarai van de Boel, Paul Küper, Adzer van der Molen, Harold Schouten.

sculpturalmoods nr 2piepklein

sculptural moods nr.2 selected for the  SummerExpo wild

june 11 untill  september 20 2015
The photowork ‘sculptural moods nr. 2’ has been selected for the SummerExpo in het Gemeentemuseum in Den Haag.


sculptural moods nr.1 is part of the big Amsterdam Artcalendar

january 1 untill december 31 2015
The photowork ‘sculptural moods nr. 1′ is part of the big Amsterdam Artcalendar

the mummer-piepKLEIN

The Mummer selected for the Caïro Videofestival in Caïro, Egypt

november 5  untill  november 19 2014
The video ‘The Mummer’ has been selected for the Caïro Videofestival in Caïro, Egypt.

the mummer-piepKLEIN

The Mummer selected for the Facade Video festival in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

september 18 untill september 20 2014
The video ‘The Mummer’ has been selected for the Facade Videofestival in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Facade Video Festival is an annual video art exhibition where videos are projected onto the walls of houses in the old town of Plovdiv and in the neighbourhoods.

the mummer-piepKLEIN

The Mummer selected for the videofestival CologneOFF X

july 2014 untill december 2014
My video ‘De Mummer’ has been selected for the CologneOFF X – 10th Cologne International Videoart Festival. The video will be screened at several videofestivals: Athens International Videoart Festival Greece + Torrance Art Museum Los Angeles, USA + VideoBabel, International Audiovisual Festival Cuzco, Peru

milky thoughts Nynke Deinema

Milky Thoughts selected for the Facade Video festival in Plovdiv, Bulgaria

september 11 untill september 15 2013
The video ‘Milky Thoughts’ has been selected for the Facade Videofestival in Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Facade Video Festival is an annual video art exhibition where videos are projected onto the walls of houses  in the old town of Plovdiv and in the neighbourhoods.

do-ut-des-KLEIN Nynke Deinema

Do Ut Des sketch assignment

april 2013
Sketch assignment for the the new building and their users of the Zorgacademy Parkstad in Heerlen (NL).

milky thoughts Nynke Deinema

Milky Thoughts selected for the One Minute Of the Week

january 17  untill january 24 2013
The video ‘Milky Thoughts’ has been selected for the One Minute Of The Week.

less home NynkeDeinemaklein

Ben de Insanim

october 6 untill october 31 2012
Ben de Insanim (I am human too), photo installation on the facade of Shihiye Cok – Ankara. The photowork ‘drowning in blankets’ is a part of the photoinstallation ‘Ben de insanim’. In de Siya Beyaz Art Gallery I will show new work. With Diana Blok, Ebur Ceylan, Marco Cops, Cemil Batur Gökçeer, Saskia Janssen, Çağlar Kanzık, Tan Mavitan, Paulien Oltheten, Civan Ozkanoglu, Şevket Şahintaş, Tuğberk Selçuk, Maria Sezer, Harold Schouten Lydia Schouten, Roeki Symons, curator Jerome Symons.

De Rituelenkar Nynke Deinema

The Cart of Rituals at Perron 1 in Delden

october 10 untill march 25 2013
The cart is going to search for more (hidden) rituals, this time within the Overijsselse Region culture . The cart is exhibited for one month in Perron 1 in Delden and the visitors are being invited to narrate their own rituals.

Vreemde Handen thumb Nynke Deinema

Strange Hands in the van GoghHouse in Zundert

october 29 untill october 30 2012
During my artist in residence in the Van GoghHouse I have been looking for the ‘new potato eaters’: the Easteuropean newcomers. I filmed them close to the skin, on the land but also at their home. Their hands in particular play an important role. This leaded to two videoworks and an installation.


van GoghHouse artist-in-residence

october 1 2011 untill february 5 2012
During this constant variable exhibitionproject, the results of the current artis-in-residence are presented in the Vincent van GoghHuis. Ten artists got inspirered by the place where Vincent was born: Jean Yves Auregan, Gert-Jan van den Bemd, Koen Broucke, Tom Claassen, Nynke Deinema, Wenda Kieskamp, Han Klinkhamer, Brydee Rood, Margriet Smulders, Michiel van der Zanden.